wp-langs-en.js 15.2 KB
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 * TinyMCE 3.x language strings
 * Loaded only when external plugins are added to TinyMCE.
( function() {
	var main = {}, lang = 'en';

	if ( typeof tinyMCEPreInit !== 'undefined' && tinyMCEPreInit.ref.language !== 'en' ) {
		lang = tinyMCEPreInit.ref.language;

	main[lang] = {
		common: {
			edit_confirm: "Do you want to use the WYSIWYG mode for this textarea?",
			apply: "Apply",
			insert: "Insert",
			update: "Update",
			cancel: "Cancel",
			close: "Close",
			browse: "Browse",
			class_name: "Class",
			not_set: "-- Not set --",
			clipboard_msg: "Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.",
			clipboard_no_support: "Currently not supported by your browser, use keyboard shortcuts instead.",
			popup_blocked: "Sorry, but we have noticed that your popup-blocker has disabled a window that provides application functionality. You will need to disable popup blocking on this site in order to fully utilize this tool.",
			invalid_data: "Error: Invalid values entered, these are marked in red.",
			invalid_data_number: "{#field} must be a number",
			invalid_data_min: "{#field} must be a number greater than {#min}",
			invalid_data_size: "{#field} must be a number or percentage",
			more_colors: "More colors"
		colors: {
			"000000": "Black",
			"993300": "Burnt orange",
			"333300": "Dark olive",
			"003300": "Dark green",
			"003366": "Dark azure",
			"000080": "Navy Blue",
			"333399": "Indigo",
			"333333": "Very dark gray",
			"800000": "Maroon",
			"FF6600": "Orange",
			"808000": "Olive",
			"008000": "Green",
			"008080": "Teal",
			"0000FF": "Blue",
			"666699": "Grayish blue",
			"808080": "Gray",
			"FF0000": "Red",
			"FF9900": "Amber",
			"99CC00": "Yellow green",
			"339966": "Sea green",
			"33CCCC": "Turquoise",
			"3366FF": "Royal blue",
			"800080": "Purple",
			"999999": "Medium gray",
			"FF00FF": "Magenta",
			"FFCC00": "Gold",
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			"00FF00": "Lime",
			"00FFFF": "Aqua",
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			"993366": "Brown",
			"C0C0C0": "Silver",
			"FF99CC": "Pink",
			"FFCC99": "Peach",
			"FFFF99": "Light yellow",
			"CCFFCC": "Pale green",
			"CCFFFF": "Pale cyan",
			"99CCFF": "Light sky blue",
			"CC99FF": "Plum",
			"FFFFFF": "White"
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			date_fmt: "%Y-%m-%d",
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			inserttime_desc: "Insert time",
			months_long: "January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December",
			months_short: "Jan_January_abbreviation,Feb_February_abbreviation,Mar_March_abbreviation,Apr_April_abbreviation,May_May_abbreviation,Jun_June_abbreviation,Jul_July_abbreviation,Aug_August_abbreviation,Sep_September_abbreviation,Oct_October_abbreviation,Nov_November_abbreviation,Dec_December_abbreviation",
			day_long: "Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday",
			day_short: "Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat"
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			backward_desc: "Move backward",
			absolute_desc: "Toggle absolute positioning",
			content: "New layer..."
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			save_desc: "Save",
			cancel_desc: "Cancel all changes"
		nonbreaking: {
			nonbreaking_desc: "Insert non-breaking space character"
		iespell: {
			iespell_desc: "Run spell checking",
			download: "ieSpell not detected. Do you want to install it now?"
		advhr: {
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		emotions: {
			emotions_desc: "Emotions"
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			replace_desc: "Find/Replace"
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		xhtmlxtras: {
			cite_desc: "Citation",
			abbr_desc: "Abbreviation",
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			del_desc: "Deletion",
			ins_desc: "Insertion",
			attribs_desc: "Insert/Edit Attributes"
		style: {
			desc: "Edit CSS Style"
		paste: {
			paste_text_desc: "Paste as Plain Text",
			paste_word_desc: "Paste from Word",
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			plaintext_mode_sticky: "Paste is now in plain text mode. Click again to toggle back to regular paste mode. After you paste something you will be returned to regular paste mode.",
			plaintext_mode: "Paste is now in plain text mode. Click again to toggle back to regular paste mode."
		paste_dlg: {
			text_title: "Use Ctrl + V on your keyboard to paste the text into the window.",
			text_linebreaks: "Keep linebreaks",
			word_title: "Use Ctrl + V on your keyboard to paste the text into the window."
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			del: "Delete table",
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			desc: "Visual control characters on/off."
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			desc: "Toggle spellchecker (Alt + Shift + N)",
			menu: "Spellchecker settings",
			ignore_word: "Ignore word",
			ignore_words: "Ignore all",
			langs: "Languages",
			wait: "Please wait...",
			sug: "Suggestions",
			no_sug: "No suggestions",
			no_mpell: "No misspellings found.",
			learn_word: "Learn word"
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			words: "Words: "

	tinyMCE.addI18n( main );

	tinyMCE.addI18n( lang + ".advanced", {
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		help_desc: "Help",
		blockquote_desc: "Blockquote (Alt + Shift + Q)",
		clipboard_msg: "Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.",
		path: "Path",
		newdocument: "Are you sure you want to clear all contents?",
		toolbar_focus: "Jump to tool buttons - Alt+Q, Jump to editor - Alt-Z, Jump to element path - Alt-X",
		more_colors: "More colors",
		shortcuts_desc: "Accessibility Help",
		help_shortcut: " Press ALT F10 for toolbar. Press ALT 0 for help.",
		rich_text_area: "Rich Text Area",
		toolbar: "Toolbar"

	tinyMCE.addI18n( lang + ".advanced_dlg", {
		about_title: "About TinyMCE",
		about_general: "About",
		about_help: "Help",
		about_license: "License",
		about_plugins: "Plugins",
		about_plugin: "Plugin",
		about_author: "Author",
		about_version: "Version",
		about_loaded: "Loaded plugins",
		anchor_title: "Insert/edit anchor",
		anchor_name: "Anchor name",
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		colorpicker_color: "Color: ",
		colorpicker_name: "Name: ",
		charmap_title: "Select custom character",
		charmap_usage: "Use left and right arrows to navigate.",
		image_title: "Insert/edit image",
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		image_alt: "Image description",
		image_list: "Image list",
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		link_target_same: "Open link in the same window",
		link_target_blank: "Open link in a new window",
		link_titlefield: "Title",
		link_is_email: "The URL you entered seems to be an email address, do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?",
		link_is_external: "The URL you entered seems to be an external link, do you want to add the required http:// prefix?",
		link_list: "Link list",
		accessibility_help: "Accessibility Help",
		accessibility_usage_title: "General Usage"

	tinyMCE.addI18n( lang + ".media_dlg", {
		title: "Insert / edit embedded media",
		general: "General",
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		size: "Dimensions",
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		qt_stream_warn: "Streamed rtsp resources should be added to the QT Src field under the advanced tab.",
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	tinyMCE.addI18n( lang + ".wordpress", {
		wp_adv_desc: "Show/Hide Kitchen Sink (Alt + Shift + Z)",
		wp_more_desc: "Insert More Tag (Alt + Shift + T)",
		wp_page_desc: "Insert Page break (Alt + Shift + P)",
		wp_help_desc: "Help (Alt + Shift + H)",
		wp_more_alt: "More...",
		wp_page_alt: "Next page...",
		add_media: "Add Media",
		add_image: "Add an Image",
		add_video: "Add Video",
		add_audio: "Add Audio",
		editgallery: "Edit Gallery",
		delgallery: "Delete Gallery",
		wp_fullscreen_desc: "Distraction-free writing mode (Alt + Shift + W)"

	tinyMCE.addI18n( lang + ".wpeditimage", {
		edit_img: "Edit Image",
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